Saved feeds not available on graphs


I am using to receive feeds from my Arduino equipment and everything looks fine on the "Inputs" site and on the "Feeds" site. I can see all information received from my three devices - right on time. Unfortunately the graphs are only sporadic updated by the feed data.

When the "LOG" icon on the "Inputs" site is pressed, followed by pressing "Show CSV output", this only shows the same few feeds too.

The problem began, when I would like to erase all information from all of my feeds by deleting the feeds from the "Inputs" site, using the Trashcan, and rebuild everything again, after the feeds shows up in "Inputs" again, when new data arrived.

Before the deletion everything was working properly!

All the feed are of the Datatype "REALTIME" and Engine "PHPFINA".

Any suggestions on how to get the saved feeds proper into the graphs again and in the "Show CSV output"...?

Kind regards
