Virtual feed calculations.


I'm using virtual feeds to calculate costs:
- I load the feed with the KWh
- Multiply it with the KWh cost of my company
- Log to another feed (60 sec interval)

The issue is that the resulting feed some times this goes to zero, taking in account that we are using a multiplication this means that one of the factors of the multiplication must be zero for the result to be zero.

Source feed:


Resulting/destination feed:


 Factor:  0.121524

As you can see the second result sample is zero @1446941605000, but every sample in the source fees if positive and always growing.

Can this be a bug?

I've lots of this glitches...


chaveiro's picture

Re: Virtual feed calculations.

Virtual feed can't use write to (log) feed processes, they are calculated in realtime, i need to hide some processes from selection...

You need to start a virtual feed processlist with a source feed process.

Show your process list.

CidiRome's picture

Re: Virtual feed calculations.


I don't understand the background working of the virtual feed, but that seem obvious to me to use like that.. My mistake.

chaveiro's picture

Re: Virtual feed calculations.

Yeap, that is not possible with virtal feeds, see

To get the increasing expense you need to do that on input processlist.

Virtual feeds are to be used for data visualization only.


CidiRome's picture

Re: Virtual feed calculations.

I've moved that rules/processors to the Total W input that only had 3.

Let's see how it goes...


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