V9.0 RC2 bar graph x-axis date labels off-by-one ?

I have installed V9.0 RC2 on my home Ubuntu server. Using a number of kWh/d feeds I noticed today that on some of them the X-axis is off by a day; What is labeled Oct 31st was actually Nov 1st and when hovering over the bar the correct date appears in the top right (I am hovering over "Oct 31", but only the shading shows it):



Anything I should check for in the raw data?

Not that RC2 was the first emoncms installed at all on this server, it's not an upgrade so data is all RC2 generated/

joyrider3774's picture

Re: V9.0 RC2 bar graph x-axis date labels off-by-one ?

this is probably fixed with 9.1 from 30/10/2015 it's caused by DST and was a bug in the flotlib library. I had the same problem and getting the latest version fixed it for me. it's been discussed in this thread as well : http://openenergymonitor.org/emon/node/11473

check here http://openenergymonitor.org/emon/node/11009 or on chaveiro's github

Peter Galbavy's picture

Re: V9.0 RC2 bar graph x-axis date labels off-by-one ?

Ah! Will try when I can. Thanks.

engeeaitch's picture

Re: V9.0 RC2 bar graph x-axis date labels off-by-one ?

Hi - can someone explain the fix for this please?  I would like to apply it to version 8.4.0 (which is the version I am running - I'm not ready to take the plunge to version 9 yet!).

Many thanks.

Paul Reed's picture

Re: V9.0 RC2 bar graph x-axis date labels off-by-one ?

It's not a very deep plunge into v9.x and worth the upgrade.

You may be lucky, but I doubt anyone will be interested in fixing what is an old version.


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