Help setting up to send to

I'm using a Brultech ECM-1240 to monitor my PV production and household energy use.  I've got the ECM-1240 and running on a Raspberry Pi.  It's all set up and has been sending data to the Smart Energy Groups website for a couple of years.  Now I'd like to try sending data for display on  How should I setup the config.cfg file for btmon?  This is what I've tried, which seems to work, but I'm having trouble setting up some visualizations and widgets.  Perhaps I have the oem_url wrong?  Or am I missing some other key lines?

oem_out = true
oem_token = xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Write API Key)

​In, I've got a simple dashboard with a few realtime and rawdata visualizations working, but I cannot configure a multigraph - when I go to configure the multigraph, the "configure element" drop-down list is blank (see attached image).  Also, I can create a Dial widget, but cannot get it show any values other than zero.   Suggestions appreciated!





pb66's picture

Re: Help setting up to send to

The multigraph needs to be created in "Vis" -> "multighraph" first, 

the "configure element" refers to the page element that will consist of a preconfigured multigraph from the list (mid = multigrapgh id), not configuring the multigraph itself.


sroof's picture

Re: Help setting up to send to

Thanks, pb66.  I got the multigraph to work.  But I still cannot get the Dial widget to work - it shows zero no matter how I configure it.  I tried a Bar widget but it only shows "NaN".

Is there a "getting started" guide for  The examples in Docs/USING EMONCMS are fine but describe only very limited setups.

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