JSON api - multiple IDs


Is there a json api to get the current value of several feed IDs at once?

Something like ...emoncms/feed/value.json?id={xx,yy,zz}

It would greatly speed up my web page as I'm currently having to use multiple /feed/value.json?id=xx calls

Collecting multiple feeds on a dashboard won't work for me as I need the actual values in my javascript.

many thanks


(great software btw!)

pb66's picture

Re: JSON api - multiple IDs


should do what you are after.



Esk Energy's picture

Re: JSON api - multiple IDs

Hi Paul

Excellent - it works just as you said (and only 13 minutes after I posted)!

I would be grateful if you would point me to the location of these apis in the sources so I can 'discover' other undocumented apis.

Is there a more complete set of documentation which covers this (other than the feed api help page)?

Thanks again


pb66's picture

Re: JSON api - multiple IDs

Esk Energy's picture

Re: JSON api - multiple IDs

Thanks - that's nearly as good as docs!

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