Setting up 'My Energy'

I got my EmonCMS set up a bit back and have been logging good data, but the 'My Energy' app is not reporting anything useful - basically, I've only gotten it to show current usage. I have not been able to get it to actually keep track of daily usage and such.

I did find a 'howto' on setting it up, and it says you need to use the 'emonTxV3_continuous_kwhtotals_noeeprom' sketch. While I'm not against higher accuracy, I've got a bunch of graphs set up, including a graph of my line voltage (It has a tendancy to vary +4v and -2v from 'norm') - from what I gather, the afore mentioned sketch doesn't output like voltage (and it would mess up my feeds). I would prefer to not 'upset the apple cart' and radically change the firmware I'm using.

Is there a way to get the 'My Energy' App reporting properly using the 'emonTxV3_4_DiscreteSampling' firmware?