Emon glcd gone from the shop (and homepage)

Hi all, I just jumped on to pass the link for the oemon store to a friend, and noticed that the glcd kit is gone from the store and the modules.

What is the story? Has the in home monitor been dropped from the project? Is there a thread about this? I wouldn't have thought that web access would have the same effect as putting figures in front of peoples faces... but that is jumping to conclusions I'll wait to hear what the scenario is.

TrystanLea's picture

Re: Emon glcd gone from the shop (and homepage)

Hey adrigen, we are bringing it back and the emontx v2 with an update (both in through-hole form). Will be posting a forum post with full details this week :)

CalonDdraig's picture

Re: Emon glcd gone from the shop (and homepage)

Nice to hear! I've already started messing around with a spare Arduino Uno and a cheapo LCD from ebay... if I get stuck it's nice to know there's an 'official' kit I can build instead! :)

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