LED widget



Just a very stupid question:

What do I have to do to switch on and off a led widget?



Robert Wall's picture

Re: LED widget

Please explain. Do you mean how do I turn a LED on and off? What system are you talking about? How is the LED connected?

(I don't own a crystal ball - the more you tell me and the less I have to guess, the better I can help you).

PeterN's picture

Re: LED widget


The led widget will display a color depending on value received for that feed (option in dashboard to set feed when you add led widget) read this thread for what color your get for each value received http://www.openenergymonitor.org/emon/node/416

Not sure if your after the same thing as me but I want to use widget to till me if feed is live green , inactive red. Would be useful when using dial widget. Ideally it would be added as an extra option in feed API similar to notify option.



Lloyd's picture

Re: LED widget

There is also a slightly modified led that I created and should be in the standard distribution that will display red if a feed is zero, or green if it is any other value.  I think it was binary_led, but can't remember the exact name at the moment, and I'm not in a position to look. Let me know if you need more information.


ilnandonazio's picture

Re: LED widget

perfect, thanks guys!

there was something wrong with my installation.....



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