emonhub limited to 32 nodes

I am using the network interface for emonHub. I understand why it is limited to 32 with the wireless interface, but is there any good reason why the Ethernet interface is limited to 32 as well?
I.e. is 32 hard-coded into other scripts?

(I am putting in a feed from each of my solar panels, 14 of them, with
voltage, energy , frequency, .... time,
plus there is a separate feed of data for each panel which is
power, and time,

so that would be 28 inputs to begin with, let alone any others I want to add such as lux, temp, humidity, pressure (the last 4 of course could be a single station))

pb66's picture

Re: emonhub limited to 32 nodes

Not really! The 32 node limit imposed by jeelib was also implemented as a 32 node max on emoncms.org and is the default max in a local install too.

emonHub didn't originally have that restriction but when there was a need to qualify the node id to tackle the effects of a problem external to emonhub, it seemed the logical choice.

I agree it should be removed and have factored that into the next version. I think the node id system could do with revising to avoid the same node id being used by multiple nodes via different interfacers.The next version of emonhub will also have an optional "node id offset" so if you have multiple rfm networks the same node ids can be used on the rf network but emonHub will "offset" the node id by a specified number eg add 32 for node ids 32-63.

For now though you can just delete " or n > 31 " from the " if n % 1 != 0 or n < 0 or n > 31:" line in /home/pi/emonhub/src/emonhub_interfacers.py to give you  

if n % 1 != 0 or n < 0:


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