Trying to upgrade old HDD pi installation

Hi Folks,  Just upgraded from an old version (6 I think) to the newest git version.  The original install was the HDD version.  The pi does more than just emoncms so I am happy with the HDD.  I can see the existing data so fine so far.

It seems though I am missing something as I am apparently not communicating with the pi board.  The link to the Pi setup in emoncms is missing.

Do I need another module from the repo?  Nothing in the upgrade doc to suggest I do.  Do I need to add in a daemon?


borpin123's picture

Re: Trying to upgrade old HDD pi installation

Oh I hate it when I do that.  For anyone following up or having the same problem, You need to follow this

Could the upgrade documentation be updated please?

sparky77's picture

Re: Trying to upgrade old HDD pi installation

You could try Bootberry my raspberry runs of it


borpin123's picture

Re: Trying to upgrade old HDD pi installation

Hi Sparky77, I already had the system set up as a working HDD install, just trying to upgrade emoncms.  It was more an issue around the newer emon-hub than the base Linux install.


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