Some EmonGLCD sketches not compiling after udate to Arduino 1.6.0

I just updated my Arduino from 1.0.5 (I think) to Arduino 1.6.0 for a non OEM project.

Now the "tester" sketch compiles OK, but both the HomeEnergyMonitor and Solar sketch do not compile. Do I need an 1.0.x version for compatibility, i.e. do I need to roll back the update or have I just messed up something? anyone else using v. 1.6.0?

I get errors like:

"icons.ino:2:42: error: variable 'icon_heating_8x16' must be const in order to be put into read-only section by means of '__attribute__((progmem))'"

[Edit Lykke: Rollback to v. 1.06 solve problem]

[This is a double post - see]

Edit - Fixed link - BT