Compiling EmonTXCT123 with Arduino-MK on Raspberry PI


I already spent two days trying to compile emonTx_CT123.ino with Arduino-MK on the command line of a Raspberry PI.

I hope you can help me. I installed arduino-mk, all libraries and created the following Makefile:

BOARD_TAG = atmega328
ARDUINO_LIBS = RFu_jeelib EmonLib OneWire DallasTemperature OpenEngeryMonitor
ARDUINO_DIR = /usr/share/arduino
include /usr/share/arduino/


In the directory "~/sketchbook/emonTx_CT123" I copied "emonTx_CT123.ino" and "emontx_lib.ino" from the OpenEnergyMonitor GitHub. I changed include JeeLib into include RFu_JeeLib.h.


During Make I'm getting the the Error Message:

build-cli/emonTx_CT123.cpp: In function ‘void loop()’:
build-cli/emonTx_CT123.cpp:122:18: error: ‘send_rf_data’ was not declared in this scope
build-cli/emonTx_CT123.cpp:124:19: error: ‘emontx_sleep’ was not declared in this scope
make: *** [build-cli/emonTx_CT123.o] Error 1

Can you help me? I think I'm close.



pb66's picture

Re: Compiling EmonTXCT123 with Arduino-MK on Raspberry PI

Hi Trucki,

I don't think arduino-mk supports multiple .ino files at once. emontx_lib.ino is only 2 functions so if you copy and paste them into your emonTx_CT123.ino sketch just before the void setup() line it should work. they need to go in before the body of the sketch as arduino-mk doesn't do pre-compile like the arduino IDE.


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