Weather data - emoncms

Just found a really useful blog post from oem member Martin Harizanov, detailing how to import weather data from into emoncms.

Just tried it, and am now getting data feeds from an airport weather station about 1 mile away from where I live, with options to get; windspeed, pressure, relative humidity, rainfall + lots more.

The hardest thing was setting up a cron job to call the script, but once I got my head around cron, I set it to call the script every 30 minutes on the hour.

$ sudo crontab -e

and add;

*/30 * * * * /usr/bin/php /home/pi/mystuff/wunderground

to the bottom of the cron file, where /home/pi/mystuff/ is the location of Martin's script - 'wunderground'.


jonrescca's picture

Re: Weather data - emoncms


I have the scrpt running, and emoncms is showing the current temperature, but I can't get an working history plotted. Any insight in how to do this for a newbie?

Paul Reed's picture

Re: Weather data - emoncms

Have you php5-curl installed on your system?


jonrescca's picture

Re: Weather data - emoncms

Oh yes, I have all running, and I am getting data back and even have the recent fetched data in emoncms in the feeds. But how does one create an history graphic for temperature for instance? I now have only a gauge for the current temperature.

The history input is configured, but the data stays at 0 in the feeds.

jonrescca's picture

Re: Weather data - emoncms


I have it working now, the graphic in the dashboard is rawdata, with the actual log as input, not the hist..

Paul Reed's picture

Re: Weather data - emoncms

Glad you got it working, it's a great little script isn't it.


Paul Reed's picture

Re: Weather data - emoncms

Mattia (Madmatt) has written a little script to retrieve the 'current weather condition' icon from using the api, which enables it to be placed in your dashboard.

Details about the script can be found in this post.


elyobelyob's picture

Re: Weather data - emoncms

Am I using a different emoncms to you guys? My feed api is .. it is quite frustrating when emoncms just responds with a blank screen. No erroring.

Mattia Rossi's picture

Re: Weather data - emoncms

The script we're talking about pulls data from weather underground ... The api link you see in it isn't for an emoncms instance...

elyobelyob's picture

Re: Weather data - emoncms

The script calls emoncms via an api call.

$url = 'http://***********/emoncms3/api/post?apikey=***EMONCMS_API*****&json={humidity:' . $relative_humidity . ',pressure:' . $pressure_mb . ',wind:' . $wind_kph . ',temp:' . $temp_c .'}';

I've changed the parts required and am trying to call the URL directly .. I can't see anything coming into the feeds and the API help page shows a different structure ...

I am using the latest version from git ... ..

Api Help ...

Available JSON commands

To use the json api the request url needs to include .json

Post data
JSON format: http://myurl/input/post.json?json={power:200}
CSV format: http://myurl/input/post.json?csv=100,200,300
Assign inputs to a node group ...

Paul Reed's picture

Re: Weather data - emoncms

Yes you need to amend the URL to that of your own installation, so if you have used that standard installation folder of 'emoncms', simply change it from 'emoncms3' to 'emoncms';

$url = 'http://***********/emoncms/api/post?apikey= etc etc

Its inputs should then appear in your input list, and updated whenever the script is run.



Mattia Rossi's picture

Re: Weather data - emoncms

... Sorry elyobelyob ... mixed the threads up ... maybe I should add a rule to my personal rule book not to post anything on sunday mornings ;)

elyobelyob's picture

Re: Weather data - emoncms

Thanks Paul,

Turned out to be a mixture of Timestore trying to be used (not installed on my FreeBSD yet) and the url needing to be ..

$url = 'http://***********/api/post?apikey= etc etc

Paul Reed's picture

Re: Weather data - emoncms

Just changed the script to retrieve the weather icon directly from the main script (instead of using 2 scripts).  I'm now using;

file_put_contents($current_con, file_get_contents($image_url)); save the 'current weather conditions'  image file, direct into /var/www/images/ folder, and update it automatically. It can then be image linked from within the emoncms dashboard.

I've put the script in Github if anyone wants it.


cbwonderboy's picture

Re: Weather data - emoncms

Hi guys, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I hope someone can help me!!

I can get the information from wunderground no problem with all the attributes but I can't for the life of me get the info into an input?


$url = 'http://**IPaddress**/emoncms/api/post?apikey=**APIKey**&json={edm-humidity:' . $relative_humidity . ',edm-pres
sure:' . $pressure_mb . ',edm-wind:' . $wind_kph . ',edm-temp:' . $temp_c .'}';
echo $url;
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$contents = curl_exec ($ch);
curl_close ($ch);


I have php5-curl installed

The only error I can find is:

PHP Notice:  Undefined index: write in /var/www/emoncms/Modules/input/input_controller.php on line 22




ukmoose's picture

Re: Weather data - emoncms

I assume this is a typo but in your URL you've put **IPaddress** This needs to be the address of the server you are running emoncms on.  Unless you've got the emoncms server running on an ipad, in which case I salute you :-) 


The other thing is again in the URL where you have  "emoncms/api/post?apikey="  try changing this to "emoncms/api/post.json?apikey="  as to use the json api the request url needs to include .json this is defined on the emoncms Input API help page.

jonrescca's picture

Re: Weather data - emoncms

If it can be of any help, here's my current working script. I use here the longitude and latitude in the string to get the nearest weather station data.

Paul Reed's picture

Re: Weather data - emoncms

As ukmoose has said, you need to replace **IPaddress** with your own emoncms IP address.

I haven't included .json in my installation, and it's worked reliably since September.


cbwonderboy's picture

Re: Weather data - emoncms

Thanks guys for the quick response,  I did have the proper IP address, just screened it out but the working example from jonrescca was excellent and explained everything.  I was missing the node portion, which I was curious about but assumed the /api/ was somehow automatically assigning one.

I needed the change ukmoose sugested and with the great working example from jonrescca its working!!!


Thanks guys

noloco's picture

Re: Weather data - emoncms

Hey Guys,

Found this forum, there are some updates that need to happen to for it to work in the newest EmonCMS.  This uploads directly to, but you can change the URL to go to wherever you need.


//Change the weather underground API and city below
$json_string = file_get_contents("<**Wunderground-API-Key**>/conditions/q/<****YOUR CITY****.json");

$parsed_json = json_decode($json_string);

//extract the options from the json string
$temp_c = $parsed_json->{'current_observation'}->{'temp_c'};
$relative_humidity = $parsed_json->{'current_observation'}->{'relative_humidity'};
$pressure_mb = $parsed_json->{'current_observation'}->{'pressure_mb'};
$wind_kph = $parsed_json->{'current_observation'}->{'wind_kph'};
$dewpoint_c = $parsed_json->{'current_observation'}->{'dewpoint_c'};
$visibility_km = $parsed_json->{'current_observation'}->{'visibility_km'};
$precip_1hr_in = $parsed_json->{'current_observation'}->{'precip_1hr_in'};

//Change the URL and EmonCMS API below
// Change your node number too here.
$url = '<**emoncms-NODE ID**>&json={humidity:' . $relative_humidity . ',pressure:' . $pressure_mb . ',wind:' . $wind_kph . ',temp:' . $temp_c .',dewpoint:' . $dewpoint_c . ',visibility:' . $visibility_km
. ',rain:' . $precip_1hr_in . '}&apikey=<**emoncms-write-apikey**>';

echo $url;
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$contents = curl_exec ($ch);
curl_close ($ch);



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