EmonHub or another way to accept Long values

I'm a little confused as to where things are going with EmonCMS. I currently use a v2 emonTx, NanodeRF, and I have a bunch of temp sensors. I have another sensor I'm trying to integrate but I need to send a Long value instead of an int. When I try it now it fails terrible. It ads an extra input but also creates a ton of rf_fails that jam the page from loading and eventually crash the input module.

I have got that cleaned up now by stopping the sensor and cleaning up all the rf_fails. So my issue now is how do I eventually integrate a long value. It looks like the solution is the emonhub but where is that? It's not listed or really documented anywhere in the pages. Is the Hub going to be the main way of receiving data now (replacing the NanodeRF). 

I have a few RPI hanging around, and I think I have an old RFM12Pi (not sure if it's v1 or v2). Is that all I need to install the emonHub? Is that the best way to go around accepting long values? I am hosting emonCMS myself (version 8.4). 

pb66's picture

Re: EmonHub or another way to accept Long values

The Pi has been at the core of the OEM project for some time, and yes emonHub is the recommended way to collate and forward data to emoncms(s) and other targets. emonhub can be installed really easily there is an installer script that installs and configures emonhub to run at boot etc, or there are pre-configured SDcard images with emonhub on.

The rf_fails can also be caused by mot using a node id, the original NanodeRF sketches do not specify a nodeid and that works ok in earlier emoncms, from v8.4 (I think) you must specify a node id.


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