Adding feed process stops inputs updating

I'm trying to setup a new installation of emoncms on my local machine but can't get it to work.

I started out setting up the buffered write version from the 08/14 image which worked ok but when I realised it didn't have the kWh to kWhd processor I had to switch to the full version. I followed the guide in the buffered write branch to upgrade and thought all was well so then backed up my inputs and feeds to my local emoncms, but the inputs/ feed updates then came to a stop.

I then went through the whole process again installing the image and updating to the master branch etc but without downloading a backup from This time the inputs where all updating but as soon as I tried to add a feed manually the inputs and feeds again came to a stop when using phpfiwa or phptimeseries feeds. When I tried to setup a phpfina feed I got a message as follows: ERROR: feed could not be created, undefined.

Any help sorting this would be much appreciated.