Keyboard layout

Hi there!

I have created SD with copy of emonGateway downloaded from here (, i have booted but now i would like change to spanish keyboard layout but is impossible.

I have an USB Spanish keyboard connected to RaspberryPI and have tried:

# ipe-wr

# dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration

# ipe-ro

... but at the end UK-keyboard-layout is not changed. 


Any idea?



pb66's picture

Re: Keyboard layout

Firstly I assume that "ipe-wr" is a typo and you meant "ipe-rw" :-)

Secondly I assume you have tried rebooting as the new settings mayneed to be loaded

You could try editing the keyboard settings file directly


nano /etc/default/keyboard

and change the " XKBLAYOUT="gb" " to "XKBLAYOUT="es" and then run

dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive keyboard-configuration

invoke-rc.d keyboard-setup start

you can confirm your settings (before and) after using

debconf-show keyboard-configuration

if settings have changed successfully but keyboard hasn't it may need to reboot for new settings to load.



rmce's picture

Re: Keyboard layout

Thanks Paul,
Yes,it is a typo :)
I will try it again following your notes.


rmce's picture

Re: Keyboard layout

Hi there!

I have followed these commands in Raspberry Pi using 2 different connected Spanish keyboards without successful results.

# ipe-rw

# nano /etc/default/keyboard  (or # dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration)

# invoke-rc.d keyboard-setup start

# debconf-show keyboard-configuration (i can see changes)

# ipe-ro

# reboot

... I can see the updated values in config files but Spanish keyboard layout is not applied. It continues GB keyboard layout.

Also, I have tried changing locales (# dpkg-reconfigure locales) with same results.

At the end, I have configured eth0 interface with static IP and have connected to RaspberryPi with SSH, and in SSH client (terminal) Spanish keymap is automatically loaded !!.

Well, as workaround I am using SSH terminal but if anyone has any idea, it will be welcome!.


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