RPi, EmonCMS - replace USB drive with network share (NFS or CIFS)



Quite new on the system. My first idea was to use the "EmonCMS with USB drive" RPi SD Card image to start my system and logging data.

After going through the wiki and the forum one thing is unclear to me : Is this possible to replace the HDD USB mount with a simple network share mount ? I want to use my NAS instead of USB drive.

The think which confused me was no real answer on the forum and the article about the 2 img files : one for the SD Card, one for the hard drive.

If this is doable, is there any step by step instructions ? Where are the data located on the filesystem ?


Thank you


Robert Wall's picture

Re: RPi, EmonCMS - replace USB drive with network share (NFS or CIFS)

Try searching for "NAS" - that might throw up a thread you've missed. I'm fairly certain somebody has done it.

Tostaki's picture

Re: RPi, EmonCMS - replace USB drive with network share (NFS or CIFS)

I did the search. But execpt if I missed something, a lot of people moved around but no clear indication of success, or so...



Edit :


I went to this link : http://emoncms.org/site/docs/raspberrypihddbuild

I seems the USB HDD is used as root file system. It seems this is theorically possible to replace the HDD mount point by a NFS mount. This should only add some latency to the system by redirecting everything on the NAS. This has to be tested.

I'll do that as soon as I can. I ma not choosing installing EmonCMS on the NAS straigh away as this will require more administration because the use case is not supported by Synology and any update can break a lot of things.

What's your primary feeling about replacing the root filesystem but a NFS share ?

Tostaki's picture

Re: RPi, EmonCMS - replace USB drive with network share (NFS or CIFS)


replying to myself.

With a Synology NAS, the best way is not to use the NAS through a network shared folder. This is much more efficient to install EmonCMS straight on the NAS with the following steps. The Raspberry Pi will then use the gateway version


For DSM 5.0+

0/ Activate the Web Station service

1/ On the NAS, install the packages MariaDB & phpMyAdmin

2/ Deflate the EmonCMS archive into the web folder or subfolder

3/ Add a new user & database using phpMyAdmin (first time login, use empty password then set it up)

4/ Modifying settings.php with database credentials (at minimum)

You're done, It's up & running. Ypu just need to setup your gateway now ...



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