Emoncms on user login returns "undefined "


installed emoncms system of Windows 8 with wamp server . Everything ok, rewrite_mode activated . When I go to register a new user on the main page of emoncms, emoncms stops writing in red "undefined ". Php.ini is ok as the installer guide.

Anyone have any ideas ? I tried searching the forum but without success. The proposed solutions do not work
I hope it was wrong to seek ...

Thank you!

Paul Reed's picture

Re: Emoncms on user login returns "undefined "

A good starting point is checking your browser's 'developers mode' - usually F12 starts it, and look for any errors highlighted. I don't use emoncms on Windows, but I've seen similar errors occur in Raspbian with php 'sessions'.


fvolpato's picture

Re: Emoncms on user login returns "undefined "

Hi Paul!

The browser answer:

Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check http://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/.
http://xx.xx.xx.xx/Lib/jquery-1.11.3.min.js Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

This is the error. xx.xx.xx.xx is my public ip.



chaveiro's picture

Re: Emoncms on user login returns "undefined "

Synchronous XMLHttpRequest is a warning.
The 404 is an error, can you access that file directly? If not, its bad instalation.

fvolpato's picture

Re: Emoncms on user login returns "undefined "


Yes, i access.

Maybe is a wamp configuration? Or some file of wamp? 

I have do two times installation....


fvolpato's picture

Re: Emoncms on user login returns "undefined "

I not have idea... :-((((


jonrescca's picture

Re: Emoncms on user login returns "undefined "

This happens here too on a fresh install, since it's missing the /user/register.json

jonrescca's picture

Re: Emoncms on user login returns "undefined "

I found that the .htaccess file was not copied with the downloaded 9.2 files from the zip, try adding it to your emoncms root from here: https://github.com/emoncms/emoncms/blob/stable/.htaccess

jcgonzales's picture

Re: Emoncms on user login returns "undefined "


After installing emoncms on an 1&1 shared server, I experience exactly the same, unless there is a specific default user and password, I cannot register a new user, and as fvolpato I get the following message even though I have refreshed the .htaccess file with the content of the one suggested ; by the way the .htaccess already existed.

Thank you for your help

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           I apologize, I tried several times because my post did not appear, thanks for your help

jcgonzales's picture

Re: Emoncms on user login returns "undefined "

The problem is now fixed, at least for a shared server located at 1&1, the rewrite syntax was not correct In the .htaccess file :

As the .htaccess is located in a /emoncms subdirectory, the rewrite must specify the subdirectory name :

# Various rewrite rules.
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  RewriteEngine on
  #RewriteBase /sites/emon/
  RewriteBase /emoncms/

fvolpato's picture

Re: Emoncms on user login returns "undefined "

Hi to all. Solved!

I followed the advice of jcgonzales in the previous post and I solved the problem .

Thank you!


rubenlaan's picture

Re: Emoncms on user login returns "undefined "

I have the same issue with version 9.3 on the latest build on Jessie, edited the .htaccess file as above to no avail. Absolutely clueless here...



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